Plein Air Oil Overseas Workshop Supply List
VICTORIA BROOKS (916) 768-1751
Cadmium Yellow Lemon-Utrecht
Cold Grey-Rembrandt
Ultramarine Blue-Utrecht or any good brand
Winsor Newton-Winsor Green
Permanent Red Medium-Rembrandt
Quinocradone Rose (optional)
Large Tube of Titanium White-Permelba
Naples Yellow Deep-Rembrandt
CANVAS or LINEN PANELS: 14 panels– (7)-8x10, (7) – 6 x 8 panels. If you are more experienced you can use 9 x 12 and 12 x 16 (no larger). Fredrix Canvas makes nice linen and canvas panels: see, (800) 827-8478. For a high quality custom panel that is very lightweight order #66 linen to be mounted on museum board visit: (801) 732-0208.
WET PANEL HOLDER: Holds up to 6, 8x10 or 6x8 wet panels – visit (888) 809-3314.
Please bring an array of newer bristle brushes. I use mostly flats and brights, sizes #2 to #12 would be good. One round #2 for drawing. Robert Simmons or Utrecht #409 are good. No stiff or worn out brushes. Bring a canvas brush roll to hold brushes.
Pencil with small sketch pad
Insect spray or repellant
Vaseline (small for brushes)
Spill proof brush cleaner for turpenoid
Paint Scrapper (retractable razor blade)
Camera (charger & adaptor)
Palette knife
View finder (old rectangular mat)
Small mirror-make-up compact
Sheets of wax or palette paper to put between wet paintings in luggage.
Rolling backpack that fits everything
Exam gloves (costco)
Stool or folding chair
Daily plastic or paper trash bags
Small cosmetic container of liquin
Umbrella that attaches to easel (the Collapsible Umbrella,
Easel: ½ box French Easel OR one that is called a “pochade box” (it attaches to a camera tripod) visit, (800) 473-8098. (I use an 10” x 12” pochade).
OR check Judson’s Art outfitters (866) 762-4233 for catalog.
Workshop will provide: paper towels and turpenoid.
Suggested Book: “Filling your Paintings with Color and Light” by Kevin McPherson.
All paint, palette knifes, paint scrapper plus extra panels and tripod go in the bottom of your clothes luggage. Carry on your rolling backpack with all of your other equipment. Wear dark colored clothing so as not to reflect bright colors onto your paintings.