1 PICTURE FRAME, do not remove the glass. Please protect the glass well for travel or bring on in your carry on baggage. Center insert should measure approx 11" X 14"
1 TABLE EASEL. this is not absolutely necessary, but is HUGELY recommended
1 SILBERSCHNITT GLASS WHEEL CUTTER (also called Bohle zag zag). These are made in Germany and an ergonomic and precision cutter for mosaics. NOTE: These can be purchased from me in advance if you live in the states, I can mail them to you. cost is $110. Plus $6.50 shipping. If you need to purchase from me, and live outside the US, you can buy them on the first day of class, please make advance arrangements. One of the best mosaic wheel cutters in the world, for all your mosaic glass
Jewelry wire cutter or 6" end cutter (see attached photo)
Masking tape
Black sharpie
1 dozen wooden coffee stir sticks
2 tubes of Clear silicone ll 8 oz. (see attached photo) a similar product may be substituted if necessary
*Note: If you wear reading glasses, Bring them!
Beads on strands of string (not wire) size 9-10 (this relates to how many beads per linear inch))
Plastic container with lid (think cottage cheese size) about 12 oz
1 Ruler
Small manicuring scissors
Bubble wrap to transport your finished mosaics home.
*BLING: this should include such things as costume jewelry (broken or not), rhinestones, dishes (broken or not, but not too thick), fancy glass or tile, kitschy junque jewelry, pearls, findings, etc. *NOTE: we will also be going to the flea market in Arezzo to see what we can find there to add into our borders. Plus, I will brings a treasure trove of goodies from home, which will be available for sale to supplement your own stash of personal favorites.
There will be a Tile Fee of $65.00 Per student to cover the cost of all the tile and shipping to be paid the first day of class. This will include all Moroccan tile needed for your portrait, 24 k gold, pearl strands, some bead strands, mastic, colorant, some millefiori, and stained glass for the background. I will also bring tweezers and palette knives for use in the class.
If you have any questions, please feel free to write or call Laurel. laurelskye@sbcglobal.net